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Showing posts with label beats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beats. Show all posts
September 12, 2013
Featured Artist Embishun

Return To The Xperience

UPDATE: Archived episodes of The SH-XPERIENCE are no longer available on the Spreaker platform. Please use the links to listen to the episodes via YouTube

-560- Radio is one of Network29's entertainment brands that launched early 2012 with its first show
"THE SH-XPERIENCE" - an hour long urban music podcast powered by the incredible Spreaker platform and hosted by various members of the Style&Heat camp. The show's main focus is around the personalities and music of Style&Heat however there is also a subfocus placed on other indie artists of the underground urban music scene. From Hip Hop to Reggaeton and everything inbetween, The SH-Xperience presents the best of independent urban music.

April 23, 2012
That's A Great Question!

The answer?...I think you should understand what it takes for your music to make an impact. That understanding comes from knowledge, resources, time, patience, and a little trial and error. Whenever an artist asks me for feedback about their music, I give them that. Feedback. Not the kind of feedback a fan would give, but the kind I would give. Constructive feedback.

See, in my mind, I believe every human being on this planet possesses natural creative talents. We all tap into that talent in various ways. All musicians have talent, just some are more tapped into that creative well than others. I believe as musicians we should be there for each other constructively, offering insight and experience to help our fellow musicians along. Its a sure sign of support.

this post will go over some questions I ask myself when hearing new music,